Economia i Biotech

23/NOV/18 – Hotel QGAT Business & Events

Imatges del Tribuna Sant Cugat Empresarial NOV/18

Vídeo del Tribuna Sant Cugat Empresarial NOV/18


23 de novembre de 2018 / Hora: 13 a 16 h.
Lloc: Hotel QGAT

Jofre Llombart
Periodista, subdirector EL MON RAC1


Margarita Arboix

Rectora de la UAB des del 2016.

Nascuda a Ribesalbes, Castellón l’1 d’agost de 1950.

Llicenciada en Ciències Biològiques per la UB i doctora en Ciències Biològiques per la UAB, s’incorpora el 1976 al Departament de Farmacologia de la Facultat de Medicina de la UAB, desenvolupa la seva carrera docent i investigadora a l’àrea de la farmacologia, on ocupa una càtedra el 1993.

Ha estat de¬gana de la Facultat de Veterinària i directora del Departament de Farmacologia, Terapèutica i Toxicologia.

Subdirectora general de Medicaments Veterinaris a l’Agència Espan¬yola de Medicaments i Productes Sanitaris del Ministeri de Sanitat i Consum. Directora dels Serveis Territorials de Salut a Barcelona. Directora General de Recursos Agrícoles i Ramaders del Ministeri de Medi Ambient, Medi Rural i Marí.

Membre del Comitè Europeu de Medicaments Veterinaris de l’Agència Europea de Medicaments, ha presidit del Grup Europeu de Resistències Antimicrobianes, membre del Grup d’Experts sobre Additius per a Alimen¬tació Animal de l’Agència Europea de Seguretat Alimen¬tària i del Comitè Científic de l’Agència Espanyola de Seguretat Alimentària i de la Nutrició.

Carlos Buesa

He is a specialist in the Biotech Industry. Dr Buesa is BSc in Biology and got his PhD in Biochemistry (Molecular Biology) from the University of Barcelona, Spain. He was EU post-doctoral fellow in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ghent in Belgium and later Senior Investigator at the Flemish Institute of Biotechnology (VIB). He has also taken the executive education programme (PADE) at the IESE Business School in Barcelona and several other additional educational programs in finances. In 2000, he founded Oryzon, where, since inception, he has served as CEO and Chairman of the Board.

Under his leadership the company has got +65M € in several equity funding rounds +70 M € in non dilutive funds. After a transforming partnering deal of +$500 M with Roche in 2014, Dr Buesa leaded Oryzon to become a public company in 2015 in the Madrid Main Stock exchange. Through this listing in the Spanish market, the company secured $36M in the period, (€16,5M ($19M) in equity complemented with €15.5M debt ($17M)). In 2016, Oryzon was selected as one of the 3 Finalists in healthcare for the 7th Annual Most Innovative EU Biotech SME Award, a contest that congregated 41 companies from 13 European countries. In 1Q2017 he led a successful 18.2M€ Pipes ($20m) offering that included institutional investors specialized in healthcare and life sciences from the US, Spain and rest of Europe, In 2018 he led an additional 13M€ Pipe further reinforcing and diversifying the Company’s shareholder base.

The company has evolved from being a Genomics R&D oriented company in its early days to a clinical stage biopharma company highly specialized in epigenetics. With a strong focus on one of the most promising targets of the field, the histone demethylase LSD1, the two most advanced molecules Iadademstat and Vafidemstat are being explored currently in five Phase IIA trials in Oncology and in CNS respectively. These, and the rest of its pipeline, place today Oryzon at the forefront of the global Epigenetics space.

Clara Campàs

Dr. Clara Campàs-Moya is partner and co-founder at the recently created venture capital firm ASABYS Partners (Barcelona).

Formerly, she served as Strategy & Development Director at Kern Pharma (2014-2018) and as a managing director at Advancell.

Dr. Campàs has served as a member of the Investment Committee of the venture capital firm HealthEquity, as well as vice-president of CataloniaBIO, and acts as a mentor in several programs such as d-Health MOEBIO, Caixaimpulse and the BCN Mentoring Program.

Dr. Campàs-Moya is the co-author of the Acadesine patent (the first Spanish patent from a public University reaching clinical trials successfully).

Up to 2006 Dr. Campàs-Moya was a researcher engaged in the development of new therapies in cancer.

Dr. Campàs-Moya has published extensively in peer-reviewed scientific journals as well the medical literature. She received her Doctorate in Pharmacy in 2004 and a Master’s in Pharmacy from the University of Barcelona in 1999.


Jaume Vives Arqués

Barcelona 1955. Llicenciat en Biologia per la Universitat de Barcelona.

Ha desenvolupat la seva carrera professional durant més de 30 anys en el sector de la biotecnologia, ocupant diverses posicions en màrqueting, vendes i en la direcció d’empreses a Alemanya, Espanya i diferents països de Llatinoamèrica.

Des de 2007 és president i conseller delegat de Roche Diagnostics a Espanya, sent a més el responsable de l’àrea de Diagnòstic Centralitzat per a la regió d’EMEA-LATAM.

Jaume forma part del Consell de Direcció de la regió d’EMEA-LATAM de la Divisió Diagnostics del Grup Roche, és membre del Comitè Executiu de FENIN (Federació Espanyola d’Empreses de Tecnologia Sanitària) i de la Junta Directiva de Sant Cugat Empresarial.